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It's Okay to Not Be Okay.

Life gets rough sometimes.

It's never an if, but when.

Just remember that being a man doesn't mean you have to be strong all the time.

Just remember that being a woman doesn't mean you have to fit into society's expectations of you.

Just remember that you don't have to fit into the mould of having astounding amounts of success in comparison to others.

Just remember that you don't have to have achieved massive milestones at whatever age you are.

Just remember that you are enough, just being a living, breathing human being.

Just remember it's okay to not be the person you wish you could be, all the time.

Just remember it's okay to be human.

That it's okay to be emotional.

That it's okay to lose yourself from time to time.

That it's okay to fuck up.

That it's okay to take longer to get to where you wish you were.

That you will get there eventually.

That you deserve to love and be loved at the fullest capacity.

That you are worthy of love, compassion and kindness as a whole.

Simply because you have two eyes, a heart and a soul.

Learn to be loved not by what you've achieved.

To send love as equally as learning to receive.

The grounding truths that we constantly forget.

Buried beneath fallacies we'd rather later regret.

Lies that tell us we're anything less than what can be bought,

More often than not, we need to be reminded these truths, instead of taught.

If you need a gentle reminder, feel free to reach out for a chat here.


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